Kamis, 01 April 2010

Community language learning

Community language learning (CLL) is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counsellor and a paraphraser, while the learner acts as a collaborator. Community language learning methode take its principles from de general Counselling – Learning approach developed by A Charles Currant. Curran studied adult learning for many years. He was also Influeced by Carl Rogers humanistic psykology ( Rogers 1951 ; brown 1994). And he found that adults often free threatened by a new learning situation. Tey are Thhretened by the change inherent by a new learning and by the fear that they will appear foolish.

A languagge counselor does not mean someone trained in psycology ; it means some one who is skillfull understander of the struggle students face as they atempt to internalized another language. The teacher who can understand can indicate his acceptance of the student. By understanding students fears and being sensitive to them, can help sstudents to overcome their negative feeling and turn them into positive energy further their learning .

There are 5 stages of development in this method.
1.“Birth” stage: feeling of security and belonging are established.
2.As the learner’s ability improve, they achieve a measure of independence from the parent.
3.Learners can speak independently.
4.The learners are secure enough to take criticism and being corrected.
5.The child becomes an adult and becomes the knower.
And the goals for the teacher who use the community langeuage learning methode want their students to learn how used the target language commuticatively in addition , they want their students about their own learning , to take increasing responsibility for it, and to learn how to learn from one another. All of these objectives can be accomplished in a nondefensive manner if a teacher and learner(s) treat each other as whole persons, valuing thought and feelings.

1 komentar:

  1. emmmm bhs inggrisnya berantakan utk sebuah tulisan yg dipublish... speaking about psychology without knowing either psychology itself nor writing it grammatically correct. wanna know about this subject but find it confusing :) sorry
