Hari ini pnantianku terhenti,
Aku dgn baju hitam ku dsni,
Bgitu kelam, dan
Hari ni kau sematkan cincin itu d jarinya, tp bkn djariku,
Entah apa kau ingat aq atau tidak, dan janji2 mu,
Dsna kau tersenyum lebar dan dsni aku terpuruk dkamar
Dg isak tangis sedihku,
Karna hadiah luka dr mu,,
Aq mencba ikhlas dan tegar ku d0akan sm0ga kau..
Kan ku trima smua kpahitan ini,,
Kau untk sang mawar..
Bkn untk ku yg hanya se0rang rumput ilalang....
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010
saya gak tau mau nulis apahhhh
jadi saya mau nyanyi lagunya NIdji yang dosakah aku
dosakah aku mencintaimu…
aku manjadi…diri sendiri…
tak peduli…apa kata dunia…
ku nanti hari ketika…
cinta datang…cinta menang…
jadi sayangku…bertahanlah…
bila terkadang mulutnya kejam…
peluklah aku…jangan menyerah…
mereka bukan hakim kita…
bintang yang mempertemukan kita…
cinta yang mempertahankan kita…
ooh…tuhan dengarkan doa…
dari cinta yang terlarang…
rasa yang mempersatukan kita…
cinta yang mempertahan kita…
ooh…tuhan dengarkan doa…
dari cinta yang terlarang…
cinta dan rasa bersatu di doa…
berharap cinta kita yang terlarang…
berharap cinta kita yang kan menang…
Kamis, 13 Mei 2010
Cinta itu bkan nafsu, melainkan pengabdian dan pen90rbanan...
Cinta bkan tanpa materi tetapi bth materi, namun bkan bergelimang,
Sdkt namun b'arti...
C!nta itu tanpa syarat...
Tetapi k'ikhlasan hti & mampu menerima k'kurangan sese0rang seutuh nya...
Cinta itu slalu berjalan seiring sjlan
Bkn brda d'dpn atau d'blakang..
Cinta itu bkn krn ia tampan atau cantik melainkan rasa nyaman...
Cinta itu bkan krn pendektan yg lma tetapi rasa yg berbda yg tmbul d'dlm hti..
Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010
Tips Melupakan mantan Pacar
Putus cinta memang hal yang menyakitkan enggak heran kalo qta bsa nagis segari semalam lantaran kehilanagn orang yang kita sayang... tapi terkadang kita harus bersikap dewasa..dan berlapang dada.... meskipun itu sulit...
naahhh sekarang kamu..kamu enggak usah bingung kerena ada tips yang bisa kamu palikasikan
pertama : Jgn terlalu dipikirkan / berlarut larut....
kedua : Santai masih ada sahabat yg nemenin disaat u senang n sedih....
ketiga : Percaya ama Jodoh ditangan Tuhan....
keempat : Selalu yakin apa yg udah hilang pasti akan datang lebih baik lagi....
cayoooooo smagadh yuaaaa.....
naahhh sekarang kamu..kamu enggak usah bingung kerena ada tips yang bisa kamu palikasikan
pertama : Jgn terlalu dipikirkan / berlarut larut....
kedua : Santai masih ada sahabat yg nemenin disaat u senang n sedih....
ketiga : Percaya ama Jodoh ditangan Tuhan....
keempat : Selalu yakin apa yg udah hilang pasti akan datang lebih baik lagi....
cayoooooo smagadh yuaaaa.....
Communicative language teaching
Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as “communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages” or simply the “communicative approach”.
Classroom activities used in CLT
Example activities
* Role play
* Interviews
* Information gap
* Games
* Language exchange
* Surveys
* Pair work
* Learning by teaching
However, not all courses that utilize the communicative language approach will restrict their activities solely to these. Some courses will have the students take occasional grammar quizzes, or prepare at home using non-communicative drills, for instance.
Critiques of CLT
One of the most famous attacks on communicative language teaching was offered by Michael Swan in the English Language Teaching Journal on 1985[2]. Henry Widdowson responded in defense of CLT, also in the ELT Journal (1985 39(3):158-161). More recently other writers (e.g. Bax[3]) have critiqued CLT for paying insufficient attention to the context in which teaching and learning take place, though CLT has also been defended against this charge (e.g. Harmer 2003[4]).
Often, the communicative approach is deemed a success if the teacher understands the student. But, if the teacher is from the same region as the student, the teacher will understand errors resulting from an influence from their first language. Native speakers of the target language may still have difficulty understanding them. This observation may call for new thinking on and adaptation of the communicative approach. The adapted communicative approach should be a simulation where the teacher pretends to understand only what any regular speaker of the target language would and reacts accordingly.
Classroom activities used in CLT
Example activities
* Role play
* Interviews
* Information gap
* Games
* Language exchange
* Surveys
* Pair work
* Learning by teaching
However, not all courses that utilize the communicative language approach will restrict their activities solely to these. Some courses will have the students take occasional grammar quizzes, or prepare at home using non-communicative drills, for instance.
Critiques of CLT
One of the most famous attacks on communicative language teaching was offered by Michael Swan in the English Language Teaching Journal on 1985[2]. Henry Widdowson responded in defense of CLT, also in the ELT Journal (1985 39(3):158-161). More recently other writers (e.g. Bax[3]) have critiqued CLT for paying insufficient attention to the context in which teaching and learning take place, though CLT has also been defended against this charge (e.g. Harmer 2003[4]).
Often, the communicative approach is deemed a success if the teacher understands the student. But, if the teacher is from the same region as the student, the teacher will understand errors resulting from an influence from their first language. Native speakers of the target language may still have difficulty understanding them. This observation may call for new thinking on and adaptation of the communicative approach. The adapted communicative approach should be a simulation where the teacher pretends to understand only what any regular speaker of the target language would and reacts accordingly.
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