Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Tips memilih baju untuk postur badan lebar

uhhhhhhhh soal berat badan sangat sensitif bagi wanitaa... karena percaya diri seorang wanita di pengaruhi juga dengan berat badan..... terkadang sampai stress memikirkan masalh itu..... tapi jangan khawatir... aq ada tips untuk mensiasatinya



Garis horizontal dan vertikal dibuat dengan lebar yang sama. Mana yang terlihat lebih kurus dan mana yang terlihat lebih gemuk?
Hindari Baju dengan Corak Garis Vertikal
Garis vertikal akan membuat Anda terlihat lebih lebar dan gemuk. Pilihlah garis horizontal untuk menghasilkan efek kurus. Padankan dengan jeans gelap atau celana bahan berwarna hitam untuk menegaskan kesan langsing.
Catatan : Penelitian terakhir menemukan bahwa efek psikologis corak garis pada baju yang diyakini selama ini ternyata kurang tepat. Dampak psikologis yang dipercaya adalah : garis horizontal menghasilkan efek lebar, sebaliknya garis vertikal menghasilkan efek kurus. Sedangkan penelitian tersebut membuktikan bahwa yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya, garis horizontal menghasilkan kesan kurus, dan garis vertikal menghasilkan kesan gemuk.
Beli Pakaian yang Pas di Badan
Jangan memakai baju yang ketat (press body). Juga jangan biasakan untuk memaki baju yang oversize. Kebiasaan kurang tepat pria berpostur besar adalah dengan menutupnya dengan kaos extra size. Ini hanya akan membuat anda terlihat lebih besar (terkecuali profesi Anda adalah rapper). Cukup pilih baju yang pas jatuh di badan, tidak terlalu besar (over size) dan tidak terlalu kecil.
Pilih Warna Senada untuk Baju dan Celana
Intinya adalah bagaimana membuat pandangan orang sekitar terhadap Anda mengalir dari atas ke bawah, sehingga badan terlihat proporsional (selain gemuk, juga panjang). Baju dan celana dengan 2 warna kontras, seperti hitam dan putih, menimbulkan kesan mencolok & memisahkan badan menjadi 2 bagian (bagian atas dan bawah), sehingga postur Anda terlihat besar. Pilih warna-warna yang senada dalam padu padan baju dan celana.
Hindari Baju/Kemeja Berkerah Kecil
Baju berkerah kecil ataupun turtleneck (kerah menutupi leher) membuat postur tubuh terlihat gempal dan pendek. Sebaliknya, Baju dengan kerah berbentuk V (V-neck) membuat postur terlihat lebih langsing. Dan juga membuat anda terlihat memiliki leher yang panjang.
Perhatikan Pilihan Sablon / Corak
Jangan memakai baju dengan corak / sablon terlalu ramai. Karena akan menarik perhatian dan mengalihkan pandangan ke bagian perut Anda (yang lebar). Tterkecuali Anda sedang berlibur ke pantai Hawaii.


De-suggestopedia is an approach to education whose primary objective is to tap the extraordinary reserve capacities we all possess but rarely if ever use. This method utilises techniques from many sources of research into how best we can learn. The Bulgarian scientist, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, for example, has demonstrated that through a carefully “orchestrated” learning environment including most importantly a specially-trained teacher, the learning process can be accelerated by a factor of three to ten times enjoyably. Such results are possible through the proper use of suggestion. The suggestive-desuggestive process allows students to go beyond previously held beliefs and self-limiting concepts concerning the learning process and learn great quantities of material with ease and enjoyment.
The artful use of suggestion as a means of facilitating the learning and communication process is, of course, and has always been, a part of nearly all effective teaching and persuasive communication. Not until the past twenty years, however, has the phenomenon of suggestion begun to be methodically researched and tested as to how it can and does affect learning. At the centre of these developments is the work of Lozanov. For more than 20 years he has been experimenting with accellerative approaches to learning, has founded the Institute of Suggestology in Sofia, Bulgaria and has authored the book: Suggestology and the Outlines or Suggestopedia (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1997).
SUGGESTOPEDIA is the study of these suggestive factors in a learning situation.
We are constantly, surrounded by suggestive influences. If we study them and become aware of them, then we are in a better position to “choose” which ones we want to influence us. Lozanov maintains that a suggestopedic teacher spends most of the time de-suggesting the students, i.e., freeing them from any nonfacilitating influences from their past. From birth on we are influenced by parents, friends, teachers, society, the media, the weather, the food we eat and the political environment in which we live.
Successful classroom atmosphere
For a successful classroom atmosphere, Lozanov maintains these three elements should be present:
A nurturing, supportive atmosphere in which the student feels free to try out the new information, be inventive with it, make mistakes without being put down, and, in general, enjoy the learning experience.
The material should be presented in a structured fashion, combining the Big Picture, Analysis and Synthesis. Every moment should be a didactic experience even when the learning process is not that apparent.
The classroom should not be cluttered with too many posters and unnecessary objects, otherwise we don’t see them. We go into overwhelm. Good quality pictures should be displayed and changed every few days. Music can be played as the students enter the room, and during the breaks. Plants and flowers add to a pleasant atmosphere. If the chairs are arranged in a U-shape, there is a better communication possible between the teacher and students and among the students themselves.
Music as a suggestive, relaxing medium. Lozanov researched a wide variety of means for presenting material to be learned which would facilitate the mentally relaxed, receptive state of mind he had found to be optimal for learning.
Yoga exercises, breathing techniques, special speech intonations were all tried with varying degrees of success. None of them, however, was found acceptable by nearly all cultural norms and belief systems.
Music proved to be the ideal medium, both for the purpose or creating a mentally relaxed state and for providing a vehicle for carrying the material to be learned into the open, receptive mind.
Music can become a powerful facilitator of holistic full-brain learning. After conducting numerous controlled experiments using a wide variety of music, Lozanov concluded that music of the Classical and Early Romantic periods was most effective for the first presentation of material to be learned. The music of Hayden, Mozart and Beethoven is dramatic, emotionally engaging, and ordered, harmoniously structured. It stimulates, invites alertness, and its harmony and order evoke ease and relaxation. For the second concert presentation of material Lozanov found that Baroque music was especially suited. The music of Bach, Händel, Vivaldi, Telemann, Corelli (among others) has a less personal, more rigorously structured quality, providing a background of order and regularity which supports very well the more straight-forward presentation of material during the second concert.
Means of Suggestion
1. A carefully orchestrated physical environment: an uncrowded room, aesthetically pleasing, well lighted, plants, fresh air, …
2. The teacher / doctor thoroughly trained in the art of suggestive communication -
a) with a well-developed sense of authority. (more details below)
b) the ability to evoke a receptive, playful-, child-like state in the students / patients
c) a mastery or double-plane behaviour, especially the ability to use appropriately and purposefully suggestive language, voice intonation, facial and body expression
3. Music:
4. Carefully integrated suggestive written materials.
5. Visual stimuli: posters, pictures, charts, illustrations.
The arts offer us the greatest examples of unified suggestive expression, and we should make every effort to integrate them into the learning environment.
The goals of teacher who use desuggestopedia
To accelerate the process of learning a foreign language for everyday communication
To desuggest learners’ psychological barriers
To activate learners’ ‘paraconscious’ part of the mind
The role for the students and the teacher
The teacher’s role:
authority—being confident and trustable
security—affording a cheerful classroom atmosphere
The students’ role:
relaxed—following the teacher’s instruction easily role play—enjoying in the new identity freely

The feelings of the students
Relaxed--psychological barriers are desuggested.
Confident--the target language comes naturally.
--Success is obtainable.
Secure--assumption of a new identity

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

comparison the silent way & audiolingual method

The Silent Way is a method of Language teaching devised by Caleb Gattegno. This method is well-known for its materials such as Cuisenaire rods and Fidel Charts. Gattegno had taken the idea of Cuisenaire rods which were first developed by Georges Cuisenaire, a European educator who used them for the teaching of math. The most prevailing difference of this method from previous ones is giving more importance to learning.

a)     Teacher Roles
√ The teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom to encourage the learner to produce as much language as possible.
√ The teacher is expected to create an environment that encourages student’s risk taking that facilitates learning.
√ The teacher should give only what help is necessary. In other words, the teacher makes use of what students already know. The more the teacher does for the students what they can do for themselves, the less they will do for themselves (Larsen-Freeman 1986).
b)     Learner Roles
√ The learner is expected to become ‘independent, autonomous, and responsible’ in language.
√ Learners are expected to interact with each other and suggest alternatives to each other. They must learn to work cooperatively rather than competitively. The teacher’s silence encourages group cooperation.
 √ In order not to miss what the teacher says, learners must give the teacher their attention. Learner-attention is a key to learning.
As Long (1987) states under the skilful direction of the teacher, learners will provide each other with correct models and encourage each other’s initiative. Thus, this method fosters interdependence and cooperation among learners at the same time it promotes independence from the teacher and reliance on what knows to learn what one does not know. 

√ A cardinal principle of the Silent Way is respect for the students’ capacity to work out language problems and recall information on their own with no verbalization and minimal help from the teacher.
√ Errors are indispensable and natural part of the learning process. Self-correction and peer-correction are emphasized. The teacher corrects the language only as a last resort.
√ Teachers can help more frequently and more effectively if they stop interfering.
√ Repetition consumes time and encourages the scattered mind to remain scattered. If the teacher avoids repetition strictly, this will force alertness and concentration on the part of the learners. By this way the efficiency in learning will be increased and the time will be saved for further learning (Gattegno 1972 as cited in Oller and Amato: 1983). This principle is against ALM.
√ Type of interaction: student-student verbal interaction is desired and encouraged. The teacher’s silence is one way to achieve this.
√ Students’ native language: native language can be used to give instructions when necessary. Also native language can be used during the feedback sessions (at least for beginner levels). If the native language is not very essential then it is avoided.
√ Evaluation: although the teacher does not have to give a formal test, s/he assesses student learning all the time. One criterion of whether or not students have learned is their ability to transfer what they have been studying to new contexts.
a) Advantages
√ This method fosters cooperative learning between individuals.
√ It embodies a new approach to education in general, a respect for the individual and an awareness of the individual’s extraordinary cognitive powers.
√ If it is succeeded to teach the language the by using the rods without repeating too much, it will really save time and energy for both teachers students. The advocates of the Silent Way claim that the short-term memory is used artificially but well. The self-esteem of the students will be increased and this will enhance learning. By this way students will say ‘I learned instead of I was taught well.’ (Demircan1990).
b) Disadvantages
√ It would seem necessary for a teacher to gain a good deal of training and skill in order to apply the Silent Way to the teaching of a total grammar in all its complexity, if such a broad application is, in fact, possible.
√ This method can be benefited by the teacher only in small groups of students. The teacher can gain ability in this method by trying. The teacher is expected to enrich the materials on his/her own.
√ For some teachers the rigidity of the system (no repetitions by the teacher, no answers by the teacher etc.) may be meaningless.
√ For some learners, one limitation is the approach to language basics which begins with seemingly irrelevant discussions about rods and which involves silence and concentration and games with the teacher about meaning. Students’ expectations and need for immediately relevant language learning may force teachers to abandon the approach (Celce-Murcia 1979).
√ How such a method would in the average classroom situation, or how successfully it might be used at more advanced levels is a question mark left in our minds.
√ Language is separated from its social context and taught through artificial situations usually by rods.

The Audiolingual Method
This method is based on the principles of behavior psychology. It adapted many of the principles and procedures of the Direct Method, in part as a reaction to the lack of speaking skills of the Reading Approach.
New material is presented in the form of a dialogue. Based on the principle that language learning is habit formation, the method fosters dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases and over-learning. Structures are sequenced and taught one at a time. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. Little or no grammatical explanations are provided; grammar is taught inductively. Skills are sequenced: Listening, speaking, reading and writing are developed in order. Vocabulary is strictly limited and learned in context. Teaching points are determined by contrastive analysis between L1 and L2. There is abundant use of language laboratories, tapes and visual aids. There is an extended pre-reading period at the beginning of the course. Great importance is given to precise native-like pronunciation. Use of the mother tongue by the teacher is permitted, but discouraged among and by the students. Successful responses are reinforced; great care is taken to prevent learner errors. There is a tendency to focus on manipulation of the target language and to disregard content and meaning.
Hints for Using Audio-lingual Drills in L2 Teaching
1. The teacher must be careful to insure that all of the utterances which students will make are actually within the practiced pattern. For example, the use of the AUX verb have should not suddenly switch to have as a main verb.
2. Drills should be conducted as rapidly as possibly so as to insure automaticity and to establish a system.
3. Ignore all but gross errors of pronunciation when drilling for grammar practice.
4. Use of shortcuts to keep the pace o drills at a maximum. Use hand motions, signal cards, notes, etc. to cue response. You are a choir director.
5. Use normal English stress, intonation, and juncture patterns conscientiously.
6. Drill material should always be meaningful. If the content words are not known, teach their meanings.
7. Intersperse short periods of drill (about 10 minutes) with very brief alternative activities to avoid fatigue and boredom.
8. Introduce the drill in this way:
a. Focus (by writing on the board, for example)
b. Exemplify (by speaking model sentences)
c. Explain (if a simple grammatical explanation is needed)
d. Drill
9. Don’t stand in one place; move about the room standing next to as many different students as possible to spot check their production. Thus you will know who to give more practice to during individual drilling.
10. Use the "backward buildup" technique for long and/or difficult patterns.
--in the cafeteria tomorrow
--will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow
--Those boys will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow.
11. Arrange to present drills in the order of increasing complexity of student response. The question is: How much internal organization or decision making must the student do in order to make a response in this drill. Thus: imitation first, single-slot substitution next, then free response last.

Hmmmm................ apa sih yang menyebabkan qta bermimpi.... terkadang pada saat qta tidur qta mengalami mimpi..... baik mimpi burukkkk..... mimpi indahhhhh sampai mimpi ,,,,, ( sensor ) hihihihi

Untuk lebih jelas mari qta cari tau proses nya di bawah ini..... cekidot......................
Mimpi biasanya didefinisikan sebagai proses
dari bayangan, perasaan, pergerakan dan pikiran yang kita alami saat
tertidur. Mimpi dapat dialami pada setiap fase dalam tidur kita, dan
tidak harus selalu melibatkan rangsang tertentu (misalnya rangsang
visual). Mimpi disebabkan oleh proses biologis internal dalam tubuh.
Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sel otak besar pada bagian
belakang otak secara periodik pecah dalam selang waktu sekitar 90 menit
dan mengirimkan rangsangan (stimuli) yang bersifat random ke bagian
korteks (batang) pada otak. Sebagai akibatnya, bagian memori, sensorik,
kontrol saraf, dan kesadaran pada otak terstimulasi secara acak yang
berdampak adanya rangsangan pada puncak bagian korteks pada otak. Menurut
penelitian ini, proses di atas mengakibatkan kita mengalami apa yang
kita sebut sebagai mimpi.
Sebagian psikoterapis berpendapat bahwa saat
rangsangan neurologis dari otak memicu proses terjadinya mimpi, isi
atau representasi dalam mimpi dapat berasal dari kebutuhan, keinginan,
atau harapan dari alam bawah sadar dan kehidupan sehari-hari pada orang
yang mengalami mimpi tersebut. Karena itu sebagian psikoterapis
beranggapan bahwa mimpi merupakan cetusan dari alam bawah sadar
seseorang. Penjelasan ini dikenal sebagai penjelasan "phenomenological-clinical", atau "top-down". Di lain pihak, penjelasan neurologis atau "bottom-up", menyatakan bahwa mimpi sama sekali tidak memiliki arti khusus. Di antara keduanya terdapat pendekatan yang disebut "context analysis"
yang menjelaskan dan mengklasifikasikan representasi yang ditemukan
seseorang dalam mimpinya, seperti manusia, rumah, kendaraan, pohon,
kendaraan, tanpa interpretasi yang mendalam mengenai detil objek
tersebut. Perbedaan antara representasi telah ditemukan antara
mimpi yang dialami pria dan wanita, serta mimpi yang dialami manusia
dalam berbagai tingkatan pertumbuhan. Mengenai arti perbedaan tersebut
saat ini masih dalam penelitian.
Hmmm Dah tau kan............ okehhhhhhhhh sampai ketemu di tips selanjut nya yahhhhhhhhhhhh

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

Tips Untuk Mata Berkantung

Mata adalah jendela hati..............mata juga bagin dari bagin kecantikan wanita.......tapi apa jadinya ketika mata aindah anda berkantung..................uppzzzzzzzzzzzz.... masalah yang satu ini memang sangat mengganggu untuk para wanita khususnya.............

hal ini disebakan karena adanya pelebaran pembuluh darah di bawah kulit yang disebabkan oleh kurang tidur, kelelahan dan faktor genetik. dan bisa juga karena adanya hiperpigmentasi atau pembentukan melanin, misalnya akibat seringnya terpapar sinar matahari atau bias, juga setelah terkena peradangan alias alergi serta pelebaran yang diakibatkan kegemukan atau obesitas dan kelelahan kulit,

tapiii jangan khawatir di bawah ini...

ada tips untuk menyiasati ....

. Untuk kantung mata atau mata sembab, maka dapat menggunakan teknik rias mata berikut untuk meperbaiki penampilan:

Setelah menggunakan alas bedak, Anda dapat menutupi kantung mata dengan menggunakan concealer. Perlu diingat, agar tidak terlalu tebal menggunakan concealer untuk menutupi kantung mata karena akan menimbulkan tumpukan dan kerutan yang tidak alami. Pilih concealer yang warnanya mendekati warna alas bedak agar terlihat alami.
Gunakan bedak tabur untuk meratakan warna pada daerah bawah mata.
Pilih eyeliner dengan warna yang tidak terlalu gelap agar area mata tidak terlihat semakin gelap. Warna coklat tua cocok digunakan, baurkan secara alami pada mata.

selamat mencobaaaaaaaaaa

The Direct Method

The Direct Method


The direct method is not new. It principles have been applied by language teachers for many years . most recently , it was revived as a method when the goal of instruction became learning hoe to use a foreign language to communicate. The direct method was established in germany and france around 1900. Characteristic features of the direct method are teaching vocabulary through pantomiming reaL – life o
bjectsan other visual materials approach (i.e having learners find out rules through the persentationoa adequate linguistic forms in target language), centraity spoken language ( including a native a like – like pronunciation ) focus on question answer patterns teacher – centeredness
The Direct Methode has one very basic rule : No translation is allowed.in fact, the direct method receives its name from the fact that meaning is to be conveyed directly in that target language through the use of demonstration and visual aids, with no recourse to the students’ native language ( Diller 1978).

Classroom instruction are conducted exclusively in the target language
Taught the vocabulary and sentences everyday. Vocabullary is acquired more naturally if students use it in full sentences, rather than memorizing word list

Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully traded progression organized around question an answer . the native language shouldn used in the classroom
Grammar should be taught inductively. New teaching points are introduced oraly .
Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration , object, and pictures ; abstrack vocabulary is taught by association of ideas. Both of speech and listening comprehensions is taught .
Correct grammar and pronunciation are emphasized. Student should be speaking at least 80 % of the time durrimg the lesson
Students are taught from inception to ask question as well as anwer them

The goals of teachers who use the Direct method
The teachers who use the direct method intend that students learn how to communicate in the target language . in order to do this successfully, students shouke learn to think in the target language.

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

my blacken heart

My dream have broken
I'm with my black dress in here
So dark, and
today you pinned the ring in her finger,not in mine

I wonder what you remember me or not, and your promises,
in there you smiled broadly and I slumped in my room
With sobs woe,
because your gift wounds,,
I try my sincere and brave to pray for u, i hope you get your happines

I'll eccept this bitterness all
You for the roses ..
Not for me who just a grass